The current situation in my house is the resignation of
parenting and allowing my children and niece take over the kitchen with toys
and art supplies. I’ve decide to minimally use that room today. I don’t feel like dressing the kids and feel
that their teeth being brushed is an epic win.

I’m tired and tired of running, doing, flexing, cooking, and
worrying over pottying. I swear that half of my parenting life revolves around
the bathroom. The neighbors will probably
regret having us as neighbors because I’m not getting off this couch for every
little argument. My voice travels
well. Sorry neighbors. Sorta. While I’m confessing,
I consider this week a success as we have met much of our commitments with
coordinated clothes, proper hygiene, and a semi nutritious diet. My toddler has now decided he can no longer
eat anything without a pound of ketchup or just the ketchup. I let him as long as some protein and veggie
sticks get in there. At least it’s not Halloween candy, right? While we did
most things, Thursday fell through. I’m sure my daughter’s teachers rolled her
eyes as we committed but no show to a school night event. I decided my sanity was far more valuable than
a night of something I’m already educated in and teach my own children. Cute
idea school, circumstances won as I try to run from clubs to dinner by myself
then try to get back to the school with hungry, over tired children. Screw that.
We ate like decent human beings and my kids played while I kicked back
for thirty minutes. God know that doesn’t
happen enough. School involvement has
become a special challenge because we are now banned from chaperoning field
trips via the new no sibling rule. My stay
at home with a toddler status rules us out.
Nice job. I love how you work with families.

School, stop sending
me PTA reminders. I’m not going to join; in my bad mama life I will be
minimally involved, again for the sake of my sanity. Don’t mistake this not being involved entirely.
I am secret op involved in the
assignments, activities, and support my daughter in her academic endeavors and
school life. Never mind the effort to have homework being completed, hours of
study, and our promptness to reading and responding to the death of a
rainforest every Wednesday. Bad mom.
It’s best anyways, I’m about to be badder mom. The PTA isn’t going to want “that mom.” I’m
about to be “that mom.” The one you
tried to brush off and thought was ignorant of her and her child’s rights to
free and appropriate education. Beware
of my present silence. Bad mom the
sequel will be explosive in its debut.
It’s still in production. My
daughter will get what she needs inspite of your apathetic address to the
present and continuing struggles. Yes,
yes I will still contribute to the teacher appreciation lunch as much the staff
is sweet and wonderful. The janitor is a
wonderful man. Great conversationalist. Sure we will contribute to the playground fund
as it is sad that you have to raise money for that anyways. Don’t expect much. We are giving more to the kids who have a parent in jail whose holidays
are less for one reason or another. They ask for things like underwear and socks. Far more tragic. Bad
Today isn’t for cupcakes, sporting events, and fundraisers, it’s
for creative play and bad mom couch surfing.
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