Today I am happily exhausted from a whirlwind week of maid of honor duty to a fantastic wedding celebration. Today is my vacation from vacation to unpack, clean, restock, and laundry. Two and half hours of laundry and putting away said laundry. I truly question why we aren't nudist. As our blitz has ended, I wondered how we aren't in worse shape. My answer came. I was selfish. A little bit. There truly is an imbalance with the selfish concept. People are egotistical assholes or martyrs burning before their time. I don't want to be either. Chances are neither do you. This past week was dedicated to my sister and ultimately her fiancee, but mainly my sister. The whole week I had my niece too. Parts of the week I had an additional one to all four of my children plus my husband. There was time spending with family plus bonding with new family. Our schedules were out of whack. Tons of travel and...
Sensible wellness in the exceptional lifestyle