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Depression: Treating the Whole Self in the Battle

At times as we converse with our friends, neighbors, and those around us sounds flow through one ear and out the other.  It may not be intentional but we can miss important patterns when we aren't truly listening.  The blaring pattern I am reading, listening to, and observing is the battle with depression.  It's a neon sign that we whisper to each other but publicly tuck away for  many reasons although it still shows. It's peaking out there.  Depression is a very real battle and experience.  I am not whispering anymore and displaying neon sign, "I have/had depression in many forms."  A victim of abuse (PTSD), post par tum, and chemical imbalances/ ADHD with anxiety covers most of my battles.  There are more reasons to depression and yours is different than mine or that person next to you (that may be hiding it).  I hear you and I hope you hear this: it can be managed and even conquered.  Most days I feel the conqueror  and some days it's just managing it.  I am not special or lucky, I see another pattern.  It's acknowledging my whole being as connected through mind, physical body, and soul.   I have been on the couch(es), yes plural, and it is a part of my healing.  However, I have had more success in healing through all of me not just a shrink couch.

Depression affects the whole body but where I feel it and others express they feel it is the mind.  Your mind is powerful  and it can be a powerful tool used against you.  Take it back and stop believing the lies.  The lie is that conflicts comes from you being bad luck or having it is just that- a LIE.  Accept that conflict is a part of this earthly life and EVERYONE experiences it. It is a universal human experience.  Conflict, problems, struggles are going to happen.  With this, stop comparing your life to others and wishing others have horrible experiences to even the score.  You feed negativity and only make it worse for you.   The lie of "you aren't enough" needs to be shut down.  You are divinely created with a specific set of talents.  Only you have them and only you can fulfill a particular purpose or purposes.  Training, learning, and detours required in finding and utilizing that purpose.  Give yourself grace in this journey and realize you are enough.  Acknowledge your limitations, while you are enough, you cannot be everything to everyone all the time.  Recognizing your humanity and others humanity.  What you or I watch, read, listen to is important and we choose to feed deception of unworthiness or the truth of our value.  Amount of screen time is just as important as what screen time.  If you are going to follow through with the following steps, you need to detach your phone, tablet, computer, tv. most of the day to succeed.

What affects your mind, affects your body and how you care for it.  How you care for your body and feed it affects your mind.  The most important is sleep and creating healthy sleep habits.  A set routine and time helps.  You may need a supplement or medicinal help.  I have always needed something to help me fall asleep even with a regulated routine and time.  When my sleep is thrown off everything is too, especially when it comes to my eating habits.  Nutritionally feeding yourself is crucial for your total wellness.  You feed your body, you feed your brain. Not calorie counting or eliminating carbs or some fad diet.  Feeding your whole self wholly; like, low fat and sugar with lots of lean protein, veggies, and whole grains. Consider natural and organic whenever possible.  Processed and chemical foods negatively affect your chemical balance.  If you are like me with a  chemical imbalance, additional help is needed.  I choose supplements now but have been on medication for anxiety and depression.  If you need medication, take it.  Proudly. You are caring for yourself.  If you want the alternative path.  Take it. Proudly.  You are caring for yourself.  Two supplements I recommend and find frequently in ADHD/ADD testimonies, blogs, and health journals is Omega 3s and B Complex.  They help your brain and nervous system/chemical balances in a big way. After researching, I do take a couple more but would only recommend on a one to one basis.  Other than sleep and feeding your body nutritionally, you need to get active.  A thirty minute walk a few times a week makes a huge difference.  Yoga, dance class, treadmill, boxing.... I don't care but you have GOT to start moving.  It pumps oxygen and more oxygen that gets to your brain the more it helps you fight depression.

The most essential part of our being and humanity is our soul.  You have one.  If you do not agree, I am not apologizing for my statement but I sincerely hope you can still benefit from the following advice.  When we are disconnected from our Creator and the created self it reeks havoc.  Our minds are full and we need to empty them.  Meditation/prayer is an excellent way to do it.  It does need to be a two parter: out pouring and being silent.  Confess, talk, rage then be still and let go.   When we clean out our minds, our souls have room to take in the good or great stuff our Creator pours in.  We need that connection.  "Creative person" or not, get creative. Journal, color, paint, draw, cook, sew, craft, build, etc.  When you being creative you are connecting to your Creator and feeding your soul.  There is outward soul feeding too- you are designed to be connected inwardly but also to other people.  You need community and service opportunities. Some times life circumstances, dynamics, and time is limiting.  Be flexible and plug in where you can and serve where you can.  When you connect with a community and help others, you come out of yourself.  You need to get out of your head.

All of these things can be done right now and takes time to feel its full effect. Trust the process and stick with it.  Find support in others or a person to be accountable too.  There may be days where it doesn't go quite right.  Allow yourself grace.  No one is perfect and you are enough.  If you feel that more is needed, seek professional help.  There is NO SHAME and only POWER in seeking help.   Our Creator designed us to be dynamic and connected beings.  We need to start viewing and treating our selves as whole and human.  Where ever you are, lying down or hiding, drag yourselves out of the darkness and become the children of light you were created to be.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared wit the glory that is to be revealed to us."


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