I am not a committed vegetarian. It started as a fling that I just can't quit. I will be upfront, bison burgers are a comfort treat for me that I will never willingly give up. Famous last words. I have got to stop saying I won't do these things. That's how I ended up eating brussel sprouts. My sister was all too willing to tip that scale. As my relationship with veggies deepen, I have hit the irony in reducing my meat intake. I need more iron. Apparently, desperately. Meat sources are seemingly the easiest way to eat up my iron intake. However, I want my veggies and be smart with it.

Beets, chocolate, tea, wheat bran, rhubarb, strawberries also release oxalates. Which can reduce iron absorption. Calcium rich foods inhibit your bodies ability to take in iron. Black teas and coffee release tannins which may block iron absorption too. Walnuts, apples, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries release tannins as well. So does cocoa, as a matter of fact cocoa/chocolate releases three different chemicals that can impair iron absorption. All of these foods are needed and great for you, especially some dark chocolate. The lesson is: love your iron and chocolate separately. About two hours apart. Whether iron rich foods or supplement, consume it two hours before or after anything listed in this paragraph.

Give iron what it loves. Iron with vitamin c is a great relationship. Iron also needs beta carotene and magnesium. These four (iron, vitamin c, beta carotene, and magnesium in case you missed it) are a potent and maximizing combination. Citrus with iron supplement or foods lends to vitamin c. There is two for one deal often in the iron/magnesium food list: swiss chard, kale, avocado, figs, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and bananas. Beta Carotene (vitamin A) can be found in iron rich foods too: dried apricots, peas, dark leafy greens, and broccoli. Adding a Vitamin B Complex supplement would be helpful as well. It helps with energy, nerve health, and metabolism.
Low iron or anemia is ... exhausting, painful, and some symptoms are frightening. The symptoms can be easily googled, but needs to be diagnosed through blood tests. Too much iron in your symptom is a poison. You need guidance when taking a supplement. Eating your veggies is never an issue. Go for it. While I recalculate my semi vegetarian diet to maximize my iron intake, I am also conscious in how I take my supplement. With my doctors recommended dosage, I take it on an empty stomach at least two hours after dinner and two hours before my tumeric milk (almonds are rich in calcium). I also need an antacid and moved it to the am with the hopes as I reduce my need for it I can eliminate it all together. Yet, for now, antacids will reduce iron absorption and am I want my coffee pronto- am antacid it is. Iron supplements at night it is. It takes a weeks to build iron store back up but as I regain my energy and less scary symptoms- I am thankful for supplements, nutritional guidance, and plant creation.
I can eat my veggies and have my iron too.
Namaste and let your 🍅🍊🍋🍌🍄🌿 love you
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