Honest conversation? As much as I love my healthy lifestyle, I LOVE "splurge" food. I find myself rolling my eyes at the holiday weight loss proclamations. I am a health foodie. I love yoga and nutritious food. I love food. Oh, I love my family too. And food. I don't want to see these "weight loss" things as much as you do. However, every first of the year the collective we makes the same commitment to loose the extra pounds for about thirty days. So those people are right. Annoying.
I freaking love this quote. If you have or are starting a healthy lifestyle or diet change then holidays are a special challenge. There is a good chance you will blow it. Just being honest. You are supposed to have a splurge day so plan that around special events to keep it a minimal. And no you do not have to eat tofurkey or avoid carbs all together. If you do, great. I did not. Getting on track requires effort but it's not insurmountable. I hear how hard I worked to look great. It's more than that, I feel great too. Being candid, it was work at first and at times requires effort. But, it's a lifestyle now. I work out but I don't work at my lifestyle as it's second nature. It's not hard anymore!! A set back doesn't have to stop you in your tracks or send you rolling backwards. Appreciate those festive foodie moments. Let that blow be limited to a day or two then get back to health foodie.
How does one keep a balance of a healthy lifestyle during the holidays without relying on a slim fast commercial diet come January 1st?
Dispel the myths.

Game plan.
Use the following tips and other suggestions to get back on track. I gained a few pounds during recent celebrations. Those cupcakes were awesome mom. And the pumpkin cheesecake. And the mac and cheese. Also, I learned I am NOT a pumpkin spice in my coffee person. Pumpkin pie in coffee is GROSS. I draw the pumpkin spice line right there. This week, health foodie is back. Back to my activity, eating habits and ENJOYING them. Enjoying my food choices, enjoying being active, enjoying feeling good, and enjoying some extra rest. All intentional and put in my calendar with a grateful attitude.
Up protein, fiber, and veggies
Use protein and fiber (veggies, fruits) to satisfy and reduce temptation.
Watch your alcohol and liquid consumption.
Alcohol and special drink mixes are a splurge. Generally they contain lots of extra sugar and calories. The count can sky rocket quickly. Alcohol slows metabolism and brain function. For the fellow iron challenged, alcohol can tank your iron levels. As well as coffee and chocolate. Limit them.
Use those apps and buddy system.
A good fitness app will help you keep not just your calorie count in check but track your nutrition and activity. Mine tracks protein, sodium, Vitamin A (helps with metabolism), Vitamin C (feeling sick? need more C), and Iron (need that oxygen)- among others. Many fitness apps can connect you to others and provide accountability with encouragement with the right people. If someone is in your face, it can drive you or drive you nuts. Know you and who you can work with. On the other end, if someone is struggling with commitment the two of you need a devoted health foodie to incite the both of you. These app can also help you set and keep goals. So easy.
Use activity for more than weight loss
Truth- weight loss or maintenance has more to do with what you eat than what you do. Yes, it is a part of wellness. However, activity as low key as walking to more strenuous as running strengthens, optimizes blood flow, and gives a "holiday stress" coping strategy. My yoga and elliptical time this am is helping me from chucking my phone out the window from all these "black Friday" emails buzzing on my phone. Activity is much more than waist line. It's your life line.
Scale back and prioritize.
Okay I lied, weight loss or maintenance has to do with food and rest. You need down time and proper sleep! It's easy to get caught up in all of fun and not so fun. Take stock in what you want too say yes to and what you need to say no too. What means most to you this holiday? What can go? Which family member should I limit time with so I don't stress eat? Again, being honest. You know who they are. They make eating a whole pie real easy. Still stressed? Go for a walk. Tired? Go to bed!
Feed your community and soul.
This time of year brings an abundance of ways to give. Open your heart for these opportunities and you will find a deep satisfaction food cannot give you. When your soul is quenched then your mind and body will follow in suit. Even the minute acts of kindness can gratify your spirit and boost other's spirits.
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