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I miss Italian food. Watching all these food shoes makes it worse, unless it's the one where the "f" word guy goes back into the kitchen. It's kinda like finding out what's in spam or hot dogs, wish you had never known. Being in the GF life has severely limited our gluten free Italian options. Finding a non crunch lasagna noodle takes a trek across town. I am a label reading fool. I have found some GF penne and rotini made with ancient grains- brown rice and quinoa. Jumping up and down giggling my friends. If it has corn in the ingredients, it's crunchy pasta. Gross. Lasagna was my go to comfort meal. Other than the gluten issue, lasagna tends to be high in fat and calories. Not good for your waist line or brain power. What's health foodie to do for comfort food? Make a redo. The difference in my creation from other recipes are the switch outs. Still easy with the Italian comfort; yet, no meat/more veggies ...
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